Saturday 17 November 2007

Fête à Paris

Last night I went with a fucking friend to a Andy Wahrol movie premiere, a lot of fun following for a nice party with nice people.

Today a long walking until Les Marais to see one gallery and this night we are gonna hanging out with other people and sleep early to packing tomorrow morning all the things to come back to my crazy city that I love.

On Monday night Ill be in SP
... J' adore crème brûlée...

1 comment:

Monika said...

Sorry for spamming, but I really like your writings and wanted to ask you if we could exchange links? Please write me a comment in my blog (my everyday glamour) that has to do a bit with the post *lol* then I know that’s okay for you ;-)
Hope you’re okay,
Chililady from Austria

ps: i use the word "fucking" also quite often ;.)