Saturday 3 November 2007

Against the Lines !!

Yeah people I’m really against the lines, so today I went to places that people don’t use to go, yayayaya (laughing in Spanish).

Skip Casa Batló and Picasso museum (full of people). At least I saw Picasso some years ago in Paris , ufff

So let’s come back to the subject: I saw Dali exhibition and a Pre Colombian exhibition, they are celebrating La fiesta de los muertos... (Fantastic many Archaeological pieces)

Also walked again into the Bairro Gotic and took some pictures, specially Graffiti pictures, yayayaya.

Music of the day: The Moldy Peaches – Jorge Regula

My name is Jorge Regula
I'm walkin' down the street
I love you
Let's go to the beach
Let's go sailing
Let's get a bite to eat
Let's talk about movies
Let's go to sleep
I wake up in the morning
Put on my yellow shirt
I get a bite to eatI go to work
I'm the A/V guy
I'm the AFNY guy
I'm the piano guy
Let's go to sleep
I wrote a new song
It has a good beat
Let's talk about movies
Let's get a bite to eat
My name is Jorge Regula
I'm walkin' down the street
I love you
Let's go to sleep
Let's go to sleep....(whispers)

1 comment:

kury said...

Hello Sa!
Hope you are having a great time there! I´m so sad that we will not meet each other... but it´s nice to read your comments to be prepared... poor my nose... and the lines... urgh... but in Barcelona I don´t care to stay hours in a same place! yayaya
Enjoy your trip!
Érika Kuriyama