We can be happy and sad at the same time? I don’t know you but I can feel like that most of the time. Like that Wander Wildner music: “Não consigo ser alegre o tempo inteiro”. On May 1st Dublin will steal my friend Clair.
My friend since we were 7, 8 y/o.
My friend that lives 2 streets behind me,
My friend that studied with me at Anchieta and Rui Bloem.
My friend that worked with me for 8 year at Accor,
My friend that has an amazing Japanese family.
My friend that I consider a sister.
My friend that went with me to Rock in Rio to see R.E.M.,
My friend that saw me crying and laughing many times,
My friend that used to watch amazing movies with me,
My friend that helped me in the 1st trip to Europe,
My friend that used to commute with me almost everyday,
My friend that used to drink beer with me,
My friend that likes good music,
My friend just an amazing friend that makes amazing banana pies.
Eeeeeeeeeei Lindaaaaa !!!
Ameeeei teu post !!!
Vc tb é muuuuuito especial pra mim !!!
Vai ser muito difícil a minha ida ... mas eu não estou tão triste, pq sei que vc estará sempre comigo, onde quer que estejamos ...
Te amo muito, minha querida !!!
Um beijo muito grande e muuuuuuuuuuuito obrigada pela homenageeeeem =) Ameiii
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://webcam-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
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