Saturday, 2 February 2008

Things to love São Paulo

São Paulo is not a common city. Due our multiplicity of ethnic references, cultures, religion, architecture, gastronomy…Nothing here is typical from here. São Paulo is one city of many cities or the contrary?!?!. From a neighborhood to another can change everything, the landscape, the faces, the signs, the squares, the shops, the ways, the accents. Uhhh the accents…

This ugly beautiful city that I love with (sigh)…I feel so good here even the problems. I can breathe here and it’s a different air from any city of this planet. I don’t miss it while I’m away I just feel better here, protected. I don’t know.

I Love to explore this city, to learn with this city, to get upset also here. No one cares with anyone here. I grew up with my father telling about his love for this city. How he loved here. I grew up walking every weekend in the city centre. Yeah, everybody hates our city centre. I fucking love that area; People talking alone, people running, people crying, people praying, people and people and people, lovely buildings and lovely streets. I love to walk there staring every street, every corner, every shop, every people, everything.

Good memories in my head…Bad memories in my head.

I’m in love with this city since I was born. Actually I learnt to love and hate at the same time.

Now... one more holiday. Carnival… and the city is gonna be empty… The best part.

So if you will be here and don’t like the typical carnival here are my tips:

Go to the cinema
Go to a nice club
Go to a nice restaurant
Go to drink
Go to the city centre and admire that multicultural experience
Go to Benedito Calixto eat “brigadeiro” and listen to “choros” music
Go to a “feira” and eat “pastel” with caldo de cana” yummy!!!! Soooooo typical from Paulistas
Go to a walk on Av. Paulista
Go and listen to good music
Go to a park
Go to Livraria Cultura
Go to some place you don’t know

Take risks once in your life…

Don’t watch TV
Don’t go to shopping malls
Don’t drive

Enjoy this amazing city!!!!

Good Musics to your Carnival (hyperlinked):


Tereza Cristina

Antonio Nobrega

Spok Frevo Orchestra

Enjoy this amazing city!!!!


cecilia said...

hey darling,
de quem eh este desenho? acabei de ve-lo no science of sleeping...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sá,
Do you really love this city as you said?
When I stay here during hollidays I also like it, only because it's empty. I miss you, send me news.
A huge hug,
João Augusto