Wednesday, 7 November 2007

God save the Queen

A short day today. A Brazilian friend from Gab( she worked with Samanta in Bauru ) arrived here to live, her name is Nani (do you remember her Sa?). Had lunch with Gab and after left to meet Dani Ioca that worked with me in SP. She took me to have a traditional meal of their afternoons, with korn bread and a cafe. After that we went to a long walk around Thames River and she left to work. So I went to see the palace of the Queen (you know the name, I'll not write because is difficult).

The days are getting dark around 4.30pm, too depressing. Tomorrow I'm going to Leeds to see Beirut 's concert (finally)

Dani invited me to a party in a pub next Friday and Gab wants to take me and Nany to a Rock pub. Yes Cecilia he doesn’t like so much Metro, he wants to celebrate his 1 year here on Sunday in a place called Fabric, but he said is more electronic. We will figure out.

I can’t spend too much money because my trip to Paris is confirmed, so only free places.

Yes Ceci, Chagall's house is gonna receive me to show the paintings. They usually are closed because the paintings are traveling to some exhibitions but on Nov 13th they will be there.

I also bought some Chagall's things here in London . Actually cards on Tate museum that I'm intending to come back before I leave

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sá,

I'm following you and I'm learning a lot with you.