Sunday, 9 November 2008

the girl that has hiccups

one more festival and thx luiza to got the ticket for me...
2 stages and too many bands to see.
1st: animal collective: really great noisy band, even i missed the 1st 30 min.
2nd: jesus and mary chain: awesome band.
3rd: run to see the foals... yes they are good.
4th: wait to see spoon: good too
5th: run to see bloc party. good too.
6th: missed breeders :p
7th: kaiser chiefs. good too.

the way home was fun. inside a cab in 5, a girl hiccuping and a guy trying to talk to the taxi driver. i couldnt stop laugh.
my body hurts now

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Of Montreal - So begins our alabee

And so begins begins our odyssey
And we begin begin our odyssey
And so begins begins our odyssey

The auria is bleeding and the boyish voice is leaving
I've been an evil tenor I filled the innocents doe eyes with glue
You're my only softness you're my only pleasure it's true
And I never want to be your little friend the abject failure

And so begins begins our odyssey
And we begin begin our odyssey
And so begins begins our odyssey

The chrysalis is breaking and the super ego's waking
I've been a gloomy Petrarch with a quill as weepy as Dido
You're my mousy aesthete you're my bouyant cherub it's true
And I never want to be your little friend the abject failure

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

2nd part of the festival

the national
I dont want fucking write

read the news

Saturday, 25 October 2008

music for my ears this weekend

Hey festival here, last night and today. Well i missed the 1st day but it is on I don't like klaxons.

19:30 eating and drinking outside of the arena and we heard the 1st acordes of junior boys. So run babe... we run and we found a empty place for junior boys, really a pity but even tho the concert was really great.

.. (couldnt see the hour) - dan deacon in the middle of the ppl started talking like crazy, non stop. and the music wtf, the music was really great. he made many plays with the audience and turned that really a party till he finished.

..(couldnt see the hour again) - gogo bordello. Ive seen them in Amsterdan and it was great as there. such a energy they can transmit to the audience.

..(couldnt see the hour one more time) - a dj...cant remember the name...erww ok

.. dj yoda finishing but we didnt see his end...home

Tonight more to see
Ill write again
music of the last night:

Comments about the place: Ibirapuera Park: Perfect!!! 5 min from home by car. They built a indoor place with nice air conditionair. Sponsered by nivea, eveybody that go to the toilet come back smelling nivea, haha. Beer: 5brl (2,50usd), not bad but the beer not that good...
the best place of all tim festivals since 2000 for sure

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


I should be used about loss.
I'm not saying I'm a loser but sometimes it is impossible to not think like that.
Today I have this feeling but I have a reason. Sometimes I have the feeling whitout really a reason.
This is the fucking shit of life.

all my love dad.

I will try not to breathe
I can hold my head still with my hands at my knees
These eyes are the eyes of the old, shivering and bold

I need something to breathe (something to breathe - I have seen things you will never see)
I want you to remember

Sunday, 19 October 2008

A lenda do coração que explodiu

Só escrevo isto porque não consegui encontrar nenhuma página de romance, nenhum trecho de poesia, nenhuma letra de música nem nenhuma melodia. As palavras dos outros não estão bastando, não estão sendo suficientes. O que eu sinto só eu sinto, e ninguém senão eu mesmo pode dizer. Eu não sou o que os outros são, nem o que querem que eu seja, e me sinto aliviado por reconhecer que inventei meus desejos. Mas enfim, eu falava do sentimento em si. É que é difícil tornar bonito em palavras o que é feio em sua essência. Essa é uma tarefa para os artistas, esses seres que nos cativam com sua sujeira, desgraça, mazela, nojeira. Eles nos fazem admirar a angústia contida em um grito, a esquizofrenia de nuvens desordenadas, o grotesco de corpos mutilados. É o lado bom da perplexidade. Eu? Não consigo fazer assim. Só saberia descrever cartesianamente a mistura de mágoa e frustração que me incha, fazendo meu coração bater tão forte que eu noto alterado o fluxo de sangue que passa pela minha garganta.

Acho que é isso que, cartesianamente, convencionaram chamar de tristeza.

PS. Decidi ir ao médico amanhã. Tenho certeza que me farão uma punção.

eu tive que copiar isso do blog da Cecilia


Baby's gonna be alright

Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright

And it don't mean I don't love you
When I put a gun to your face
It just means I wanna get rough with you

Baby's gonna be alright
She's gonna be al...
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright

Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright

And it don't mean I don't love you
When I put a gun to your face
It just means I wanna get rough with you

Baby's gonna be alright
She's gonna be al...
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright

Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright

And it don't mean I don't love you
When I put a gun to your face
It just means I wanna get rough with you

Baby's gonna be alright
She's gonna be al...
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
Baby's gonna be alright
She's gonna be alright
(Baby's gonna be alright)
She's gonna be alright
(Baby's gonna be alright)
She's gonna be alright
(Yeah, baby's gonna be alright)
She's gonna be alright
(Yeah, baby's gonna be alright)
She's gonna be alright
(Yeah, baby's gonna be alright)
She's gonna be alright

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

On the Countryside

Yeah I didnt tell about my Sunday. So lets go. A loooonnnnnnng brunch on Brockley Park with Nani and Carol and we didnt leave to the centre that day. We went to the Lewishan centre to see a bit and then we went to Crystal Palace to see her friend play in a bar. But before we watch the final of Euro 2008 with Nanis bf in a nice pub also in Crystal palace, then finally the mini concert at a bar in the same street.

Yesterday I went to the centre to shopping a bit and had a huge walking around Thames River to see OSGEMEOS painel at Tate Modern. but my guide from London said it was in a place called Pilimco (something like that). BUT BUT it was the Tate Britain. so i had to walk all again to the other side of the city till find Tate Modern but it worth. Amazing grafittis, then more walking till the National Gallery to meet Carol, but she preffered to invite me to her pub to have some drinks free. Then we walked to Convent Garden and decied to drink some beers and eat in a pub where Nanis bf works. Finally we went back home.

Today I woke up early to packing and let my luggage at Carols house and came to centre. I had breakefast in covent garden and walked till the British museun to explore. Now I`m in Leincester Square and I`ll go to picadilly to say bye to nani and gab. then back home to get my lugagge and then directly to the airport.
Tomorrow I`m back to SP

so my last post about this trip

Saturday, 28 June 2008


Yesterday was such a nice day with great friends all over the city. In the morning a long walking around Nothing Hill, then lunch there with Cla and Sa in a nice restaurant. Then another walk till the other tube line to meet Cleo an Aht, nice coffee time with one friend of them and good and hilarious story. after that we went to their hotel to conect internet for some time and then dinner out in a nice indian restaurant, with another great conversation.

Long day. I was tired but even tho a pub in Convent Garden with Gab, Ed, Carol and Nani and after some pints the final party at Metro with Cla and Sa. ufff, back to Sa`s house to sleep for 3 hours then I went back home to take a shower and meent them again to go to abbey road, after some pic, lunch is a nice restaurant, really old and some great pic of some famous guests like, the queen, audrey hepburn, beatles....

well a farewell in side the tube to Cla, she is coming back to Dublin today and here I`m spending some time in the internet to meet Nani to go back home. I NEED SLEEP!!!.

ah I`m totally fucking tired and i hit my knee in the wall of the bathroom and is really hurting, a shit.

For tomorrow I`ll have breakfast with some friends, meet Dani and maybe go to the british museun to see an exhibition. But I cant forget to go to Tate Modern untill I leave. I need some pic of the Gemeos painel there

Ok that is it for now

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Mind the Gap


Here Im in London now. uff was a crazy day yesterday. I arrived at my friends house just at 7pm and then met Clair at 8:30pm to arrive at home at 01:00am. I`m really tired of walking so I let Clair and Sabrina at the National Portrait now and I sat down here to check my emails.

Samanta i bought something for you and I know you will get crazy!!!. Well London is like SP so nothing so much to say. Crazy city. Any plans for today yet. Ahh i`m in a nice house, huge and full of French ppl, and a German girl and Nani that is Brazilian. Is really nice area a bit far for the centre and I got lost last night to get there for that i arrived at 1am. I guess I got the last train. O.o, was crazy. well I`m used to that all of my 1st days in a strange city is like that. Something always happen!!
But now I learnt how I have to do, but I still need a map.

Monday, 23 June 2008

From Milan

Hey, Not so much time to write but lets try

flight, ok watched 2 movies: Bolenyan sisters (I dont know thr right name) and There is no country for an old man....fe-ar of javier barden, nightmares after this movie.

the hotel is nice but quite far from everything, we will have dinner out in the downtown tonight, better

Well I have many things to write but I forgot everything right now.... Ah eating a lot, music from the event: placebo, funny, isnt it?

mmm. ppl from all over the world here, its nice and they are nice.really hot about 30C. i`m kind melting here. at least there is air conditioning

ok I`m going
bye, sigh
I`m really sleepy and this jet lag is killing me

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Europe for the 3rd time

Today I'm leaving to Europe one more time, Milan to work and London to have fun.
I'll post here my adventures again and I'll be back to Brazil on July 2nd

See u soon

Monday, 3 March 2008

Damnt Dublin….Countdown to lose a friend

We can be happy and sad at the same time? I don’t know you but I can feel like that most of the time. Like that Wander Wildner music: “Não consigo ser alegre o tempo inteiro”. On May 1st Dublin will steal my friend Clair.

My friend since we were 7, 8 y/o.

My friend that lives 2 streets behind me,

My friend that studied with me at Anchieta and Rui Bloem.

My friend that worked with me for 8 year at Accor,

My friend that has an amazing Japanese family.

My friend that I consider a sister.

My friend that went with me to Rock in Rio to see R.E.M.,

My friend that saw me crying and laughing many times,

My friend that used to watch amazing movies with me,

My friend that helped me in the 1st trip to Europe,

My friend that used to commute with me almost everyday,

My friend that used to drink beer with me,

My friend that likes good music,

My friend just an amazing friend that makes amazing banana pies.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Things to love São Paulo

São Paulo is not a common city. Due our multiplicity of ethnic references, cultures, religion, architecture, gastronomy…Nothing here is typical from here. São Paulo is one city of many cities or the contrary?!?!. From a neighborhood to another can change everything, the landscape, the faces, the signs, the squares, the shops, the ways, the accents. Uhhh the accents…

This ugly beautiful city that I love with (sigh)…I feel so good here even the problems. I can breathe here and it’s a different air from any city of this planet. I don’t miss it while I’m away I just feel better here, protected. I don’t know.

I Love to explore this city, to learn with this city, to get upset also here. No one cares with anyone here. I grew up with my father telling about his love for this city. How he loved here. I grew up walking every weekend in the city centre. Yeah, everybody hates our city centre. I fucking love that area; People talking alone, people running, people crying, people praying, people and people and people, lovely buildings and lovely streets. I love to walk there staring every street, every corner, every shop, every people, everything.

Good memories in my head…Bad memories in my head.

I’m in love with this city since I was born. Actually I learnt to love and hate at the same time.

Now... one more holiday. Carnival… and the city is gonna be empty… The best part.

So if you will be here and don’t like the typical carnival here are my tips:

Go to the cinema
Go to a nice club
Go to a nice restaurant
Go to drink
Go to the city centre and admire that multicultural experience
Go to Benedito Calixto eat “brigadeiro” and listen to “choros” music
Go to a “feira” and eat “pastel” with caldo de cana” yummy!!!! Soooooo typical from Paulistas
Go to a walk on Av. Paulista
Go and listen to good music
Go to a park
Go to Livraria Cultura
Go to some place you don’t know

Take risks once in your life…

Don’t watch TV
Don’t go to shopping malls
Don’t drive

Enjoy this amazing city!!!!

Good Musics to your Carnival (hyperlinked):


Tereza Cristina

Antonio Nobrega

Spok Frevo Orchestra

Enjoy this amazing city!!!!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Philosophers' soccer
I'll be back from the Carnival land with good songs for you Carnival not get boring!!!
Cant fucking wait for some days off

Staring Girl

I once knew a girl
who would just stand there and stare.

At anyone or anything,

she seemed not to care.

She'd stare at the ground,
She'd stare at the sky,

She'd stare at you for hours,

and you'd never know why.

But after winning the local staring contest,

she finally gave her eyes
a well deserved rest

Friday, 25 January 2008

Holiday... Rain...

It’s so weird when you feel you are not in your hometown. When you get the subway, a bus or just walking and you hear people talking and you can’t understand what they are saying. Like other language. I like to fell that weird feeling and be an ugly duck in my own city.

Ok. Today I went to David LaChapelle exhibition at MuBE. Just an “ok” exhibition I was expecting more. If you like colors and sexy pics it’s perfect to you. He has the gift to show that.

Nice and free tip: DAVID LACHAPELLE. MuBE. Avenida Europa, 218, Jardim Europa, 55 11 3081-8611. Terça a domingo e feriados, 10h às 19h. Grátis. Até 5 de fevereiro. A partir de 23 de janeiro.


* The Scottish band Sons and Daughters is launching their 3rd album on Jan 28th but is already available to download This Gift. They have already toured with Morrissey and this new album was produced by ex-Suede guitarist Bernard Butler. Nice tracks to dance with your arms up!!

There is a link here!!:

* Medeski Martin and Wood is also launching a new album and its familiar album. They asked help to some relatives and friends in this album. Let’s Go Everywhere has a lot of experimental music and samplers. A lot of fun to listen to children voices. Have fun with them!!

There is a link here!!:

* R.E.M. (sigh) announced their new tracks. I can’t fuck wait for that, REALLY!!!

Album: Accelerate (launching April 2008)

“Living Well’s The Best Revenge”
“Man Sized Wreath”
“Supernatural Superserious”
“Hollow Man”
“Until The Day Is Done”
“Mr Richards”
“Sing For The Submarine”
“Horse To Water”
“I’m Gonna DJ”

They shot “Supernatural Superserious” videoclip at a Sexshop in NYC…


"Why is it the biggest sin of all? All your life you’re told that you’ll be going to this marvelous place when you pass on. And the one thing you can do to get you there a bit quicker is something that stops you getting there at all. Oh, I can see that it’s a kind of queue-jumping. But if someone jumps the queue at the post office, people tut. Or sometimes they say, “Excuse me, I was here first.” They don’t say, “You will be consumed by hellfire for all eternity.” That would be a bit strong."

Thursday, 24 January 2008

This blog still lives…

I don’t know if someone will read it but who cares?!

I can shout here and say bullshits and no one will complain about it.

I guess I need to change the page picture. That one from Liniers is too cute for how this blog is gonna be written by now.

We can do a contest. I accept ideas… Remember the title: “Gardening at night”

Since my last HUGE trip I was thinking about write something. I got this conclusion walking and talking with a friend in Paris . I needed to start something. Why not write? I like better than talk…everybody knows that. I’m well known from most of my friends as a monosyllabic person: Uhu, Eh, Aha, Mm, Hein, ??, !! Or just to use face expressions.

Well everybody knows how I love to talk about art so is what I’m gonna write in this blog mostly. I stopped to send cultural schedules to my friends I know…I used to do that very often. So now after I read something or visit something or see something I’ll post here my opinions.

Maybe twice a week, maybe once a month… I can’t promise anything.

Enjoy or DIE!!